Sunday, February 2, 2020

Submission Guidelines for Midnight Magazine and Midnight Tales

Submission Guidelines for Midnight Magazine and Midnight Tales

by The Editorial Staff

            Midnight Magazine / Midnight Tales is a labor of love. No one is going to make money on this endeavor. The best-case scenario is to cover the costs of making the magazine so that we all have a cool place to share our work and the readers have a chance to see it. The purpose of these guidelines isn’t to micromanage the contributors, but to limit the "labor" part of the labor of love. The quickest way to end a cool project like Midnight Magazine is to burn out the editorial staff by making them do the grunt work that the contributors can and should take care of themselves.

Part I: Formatting

            When submitting an article, review or story to the magazine we ask that you please use the following guidelines. The submission must be in a .doc or .docx format. These are the standard formats used by Microsoft Word and free software like Open Office. Please do not send a .txt file or any other format. It will be impossible for us to edit the document for use in the magazine without a great deal of additional work.
            Your document should be single-spaced, use the Times New Roman 11-point font, indent each paragraph with no spaces between them. Additionally, please make sure the title of your submission is italicized and you have your byline added. Take credit for your work! Basically, it should look like this document you are reading. Finally, please take the time to use spell check. It can be very time consuming to make these changes to every article submitted so your help is appreciated.
            Any art that you submit should be sent in a format that can be modified. Obviously, we aren’t going to change your work, but there will be times that it needs to be resized to fit the available space. Much like the written submissions please make sure to sign your work. Take credit for the work that you are going to put out there. That is one of the main reasons that Midnight Magazine exists so take advantage of it.
            Failure to follow the guidelines above will result in your work not appearing in the magazine. We don’t want that to happen and I’m sure you don’t either. Let us all stay on the same page and make this work.

Part II: Content

            I know that we all want to write about our favorite director or movie. But think about your audience for a moment. The people who are going to buy and read Midnight Magazine already know about the greatness of Dawn of the Dead and George Romero. They have already watched all the special features of the latest release of Evil Dead and know all the stories. Unless you worked on or have special insight into a classic movie there isn’t anything you have to say that we all haven’t heard before. Don’t be surprised if your submission doesn’t get printed.
            Instead, you should find that independent movie that people aren’t talking about. Or maybe that artist you like that not many people have heard of. This also goes for comics and magazines that you want to make other fans aware of. This is what the kind of readers that will spend their cash and time on Midnight Magazine want to see. Not only will that appeal to them but those filmmakers, artists, and writers will very much appreciate the exposure. There is nothing quite as satisfying as turning someone onto some movie, magazine, comic, or music you love. And you are helping those artists out as well.

Part III: Questions
            If you have any questions or concerns about the submission guidelines please let us know. We are happy to answer any questions that you have as well as listen to your pitch for articles to let you know if that is something we are interested in printing. Thanks for your patience and we hope to see you in print. To get in touch with us send an email to

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