Monday, February 24, 2020

History of Midnight Magazine - Issue #2

Issue #2
Yes! After the release of the first magazine, The question was "How often do I want to publish this?" after much thought, we decided on two times a year and stay as consistent as we can to get them published, the months chosen are January and July. The reason I preach consistency is I noticed a few zines so far behind their due date that many people began to lose interest, and I wouldn't want to do this to any audience we may have. The extra months gives many of us enough time to research and do articles and get them submitted in a reasonable amount of time while we work our paying jobs and time to do our extracurricular activities. Anyways, Issue #2, If I recall right, we had someone to do the cover art that did not come through, so I reached out to the amazing Colin Rodgers of Eerie Crypts and Naked Chicks to see if he could come up with something in a short amount of time, lo and behold, he had some incomplete art that only needed some added touches and details and this became the cover! This issue has the white interior pages as opposed to the cream we used in issue #1, slightly thicker paper stock for the cover than the interiors instead of card stock that was used for issue #1, the issue grew to 74 pages of art and contents and these are the reasons for the changes to be able to make it all cost-efficient for all of us. Many of you who bought this mag will notice the big changes in the formatting and set up compared to the original first issue run, this was the first step in making this magazine better. We have movie reviews/recaps of Alucarda by Lenny Buccellato, The Devils Rain by John Shatzer which is also a Blu-ray review for Severin films, Rockula by Mike Simms, Happy Birthday to Me by Vanessa Alucarda and The Blood Spattered Bride by Rick McKinney. We have book reviews, Death Tour by Mike Howlett, this was done on notebook paper as if it was an assignment in school, Reign of the Dead by John Shatzer. Fiction stories, The Silent City by Graham Swanson, The Widows Walk by Lenny Buccellato, An Occurrence at Franklin Hill Cemetary by Ed Holmes, Playing Possum by Terry Alexander. There are comic reviews by Kimberlee Jandreau and Doug Randazzo. Interviews with Jason Stephenson and Mike Mongillo. There are many other interesting articles, fan stories and paranormal stories by many folks mentioned above along with Denise Hargrove, David CJ Bunn, Christina Viruet, and myself. The Artists in this magazine feature works by Colin Rodgers, Doug Randazzo, Allen Koszowski, Matt "Putrid" Carr, Greg Mattson, Scott Brokos (Inked By Tony Fero) Erika Wright, Jeff Lamers, and Myself. This issue contained a few grammatical errors that I noticed much later which has made us much more diligent on looking for errors and such for later issues. Issue #2 is the lowest print run of the entire series, The reason being was I had worked out a deal with the print shop to do an "X" amount of books every now and then, as they run low, I will order 40 more, almost a "print on demand" as many of you will call it. When it came time to get the final 20 books, suddenly, without warning, the print shop was "Out of Business" so I left it at that...
Back Cover by the legendary Allen K.

There are 37 Contributor issues with the Green Cover variant and 143 regular issues with the white cover at 180 total. In conclusion, it was the toughest one to put together due to my learning the ways of an editor. Many folks I had heard from later on said they were sure I was going to be a "One and out and didn't think we had it in us to keep it going", for whatever reason they thought this, I wouldn't know... Being the "new kid on the block" it was an exciting time, I just needed to know how to network and keep it going, sales were slow yet pretty good to keep moving forward.

If anyone is still looking for this copy, you might get lucky and find one in the aftermarket like eBay or in the comics groups...
This concludes this History of MIDNIGHT! Magazine #2. I hope you all enjoyed it.
Mr. Fright~
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