Thursday, May 28, 2020

First Movie Night Under the Stars 2020

It has been a little while since I made any blogs here since the COVID 19 pandemic came on. Just like everyone else, I switched up priorities in order to ensure the safety of the family for work and at home. Anyways, vacation for me started this week and I thought it was a good time to start getting onto the yard work and preparing the movie screen for Dead End Cinema, now while we are all still on social distancing, Dead End Cinema will still be open for our usual number of friends and the family that come out to watch movies with us, we normally have around 5 to 8 people on average. 
It has been a couple years since we applied any new coat of paint, Last year the old tarp had a hole in it and the water ran down the side giving it a big stain in the upper right corner, not that it affected anything we watched last year but a good coat of paint is needed to preserve the wood anyways. We can thank Angie for a job well done! 
Waiting for Sundown...
Thursday, May 27th marks a special day, it is our 25th anniversary! I have been lucky to have Angie, a very special woman in my life and we look forward to many more years together! Now that I got all that softy stuff out of the way... I started the morning finishing up whatever yard work that needed to be done. I am like it was so beautiful outside, I check the weather report and it says the rain was coming in the next few days starting around 2:00 a.m. so I'm like "Okay, I'm going to play a movie outside tonight" When the Babesweets came home, I told her I'm taking her out for dinner, We decided to go to our favorite Mexican restaurant, El Campesinos, Yum! 
Now, I have read on various social media platforms about this movie, VFW, so we decided to go up to my local Family Video to look for it, lo and behold they had one copy! With all the excitement building up, we hurry back home setting up everything outside and preparing for our first night of the year under the stars starting with this movie. 9:00 pm rolled around and it is dark enough to begin the film. The three of us Angie, me, and my son JD were so ready to enjoy the evening! 

Opening title on the screen...
VFW - Here we have some old war veterans who get together to do the normal drinking and reminiscing of old times and war tales at the VFW club and suddenly, a teen runs into their bar being chased down by punks doped up with a drug called "Hype" under orders of a drug overlord to retrieve the teen, but these veterans weren't having any of that and decided to fight back and protect the teen... All hell breaks loose! This is all I need to say! I recommend this film, I will be buying my own personal copy. Nuff' said. I kept this synapse short and sweet as to not give away any spoilers. Mr. Fright says, Go check it out! With the film being over and it's still nice outside, The little lady needed to go off to bed since she has to work. JD and I decided to play Rocky 3 since he has not seen all of the Rocky movies. We've been watching those and for me, a revisit is always good. Dead End Cinema has an opening night on Saturday, June 13th for everyone. We have not picked out any of the movies yet, Just stay tuned to our page on Facebook for updates.

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